EAP Employee Assistance Program & How to Find a Counselor

What is an EAP Employee Assistance Program?

Employee assistance program (EAP) is designed to help employees manage personal problems & mental health issues that can interfere with their work lives. We all have or know someone that has experienced issues that may affect their work performance. EAPs offer a benefit to the employees. Additionally, benefits to the employers can be impacted with improved performance. Having issues in the workplace such as workplace-related trauma, mental health concerns, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, relationship problems, and overall workplace conflicts can all benefit from EAPs. In most cases, employee assistance programs are voluntary but can be mandatory in rare cases where the job duties themselves can create issues in work performance.

What is an EAP Counselor?

Employee assistance program

Employee Assistance Program Counseling Services

How and when to access an EAP Counseling services