What comes to mind when you think of stress at work? In other words, a conflict with a co-worker or boss? In addition, deadlines that seem to be continually piling up? For instance, too much to do and too little time to do it in? After that, endless meetings need your attention? High job expectation to meet? Getting tasks completed during the workday in order to avoid having to take work home at night?
Technically speaking, stress is being mentally and/or emotionally strained as a result of demanding circumstances. Anyone can experience stress in any setting. Over a lifetime you will experience stress in numerous ways frequently. Overall, stress is a natural part of life. These things being said, we have to learn to identify what our stress triggers are and then learn how to best cope with these triggers in helpful, healthy ways in order to navigate through life successfully while minimizing stress as much as possible.

Stress symptoms can effect us in many ways including behaviorally, cognitively, emotionally, and physically. Below are a few signs that you might be experiencing stress:
Behavior Symptoms
- An increase or decrease in eating habits
- Becoming less socially active
- Using substances (smoking, drinking, etc.) as a way to relax
- An increase or decrease in sleeping habits
- Delaying responsibilities
- Anxious habits (biting your nails, pacing, etc.)
Cognitive Symptoms from Work Stress
- Excessive worrying
- Having a constantly negative perspective
- Loss of the ability to concentrate
- Nervous or racing thoughts
- Poor judgment
- Struggles with memory
Emotional Symptoms
- Ill-tempered
- Overwhelmed
- Unhappy or depressed
- Moody
- Lack the ability to relax
- Feeling lonely or isolated
Physical Symptoms from Work Stress
- Decreased sex drive
- Sick to your stomach or dizzy
- Aches and/or pains (constant headache, back or neck pain, etc.)
- Frequently feeling sick (colds, etc.)
- Having pain in your chest or increased heartbeat
- Constipation or diarrhea
Once you have determined that you may be chronically suffering from stress at work the next step to gaining some control over your situation is to begin to think about ways you are currently dealing with your stress levels and evaluate if they are positive coping strategies or negative ones. Below are a few common negative coping techniques that people engage in.
Unhealthy Coping Techniques
- Excessive drinking
- Being unfocused for lengthy periods of time while in front of the television or computer
- Using drugs to relax
- Procrastinating
- Taking your stress out on others (becoming physically violent, having anger outbursts, etc.)
- Smoking
- Binge eating
- Isolating yourself from others and/or activities
- Over-sleeping
- Overloading your daily schedule as a way to avoid problems
If you find that you suffer on a regular basis from high stress and then cope in unhealthy ways with said stress you may find that seeking counseling for your work life related stress issues can be very helpful. There are many healthy replacement behaviors you can learn to utilize as a way to manage and eventually diminish your chronic stress. As always, feel free to Contact Me if you would like to know more about overcoming Work Life Stress.