Therapy & Counseling Jefferson City, TN

Therapy Counseling near Jefferson City, TN
Therapy Counseling near Jefferson City, TN

Reach out to our Therapist today and book your session!

In search of a therapist near Jefferson City, TN for your Counseling or Therapy needs? Overcome Adversity is located in Jefferson City, TN and just a short drive from Knoxville. In addition to onsite therapy near Knoxville, we also offer Telehealth sessions. In other words, this is a great option for anyone interested in counseling. However not everyone is willing to make the drive for every session. Therefore, we offer many services including:

Therapy near Jefferson City, TN 37760

  • Firstly, you want to check to make sure counseling or therapy is right for you. Ask a Therapist.
  • Secondly, you want reach out in an email or give us a call to discuss your options.
  • Thirdly, check and see if your insurance is part of our In-Network Insurance partnership. In other words, based on your medical provider’s info we will work with them to identify your co-pay. However, if not, we can always do out of network if you would like.
  • Most important, schedule your first sessions. For instance, Jefferson City is only a 25-30 min drive from Knoxville, TN. Also remember, we do offer the Telehealth Counseling also. In conclusion, we all need help in different parts of our lives.

In addition, we evaluate and treat individuals, couples, and families through a wide range of adversities so they may live a happier, fuller life! We believe that it is extremely important for the person seeking therapy to feel comfortable with their therapist.